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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lombard Caused Criminal Disaster and Personal Tragedy For The Hung Family

Lombard Caused Criminal Disaster & Tragedy for the Hung Family from G. Hung Fong on Vimeo.
The Village of Lombard Caused Criminal Disaster & Tragedy for the Hung Family after Mr. Roberto Hung purchased a Lombard Historic Bungalow at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road & Washington Boulevard, near St. Pius X Catholic Church and School. Lombard Police and Fire Department trespassed and allowed unauthorized people to jump the surrounding picket fence and damage roofing and wooden structure at the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family members, to include business equipment and resources for Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. in DuPage County, Illinois 60148, in the State of Illinois, near the Department of Drivers and Motor Vehicles, in the United States of America.