Vimeo: Consulting Media
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Lithium Side Effects in Detail -
Lithium Side Effects in Detail -
Along with its needed effects, lithium may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention
Check with your doctor
immediately if any of the following side effects occur while taking lithium:
Less common
Symptoms of overdose
may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects. Check with your health care professional if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome or if you have any questions about them:
Less common
A wide variety of other nervous system effects have been reported and include ataxia, dysarthria, hyperreflexia, other movement disorders, EEG changes, blackouts, stupor, coma, central incontinence
, sleep disturbances, dizziness, vertigo, pseudotumor cerebri, seizures, and worsening of organic brain syndrome.
One study
(n=34) has concluded that chronic maintenance treatment with lithium affects the peripheral nerves even if the impairment rarely leads to discontinuation of therapy. This study suggests that monitoring of electroneuronographic results could be useful for the early detection of neurotoxicity of lithium.
Nervous system side effects most commonly have included nervous system effects include tremor, lethargy, lassitude, and muscle weakness. Headache, decreased concentration and confusion also have been reported less frequently. Most of these effects resolve during continuing therapy.
Taking lithium with meals or dividing doses may ameliorate some of the gastrointestinal effects of lithium.
For the Consumer
Applies to lithium: oral capsule, oral solution, oral syrup, oral tablet, oral tablet extended releaseAlong with its needed effects, lithium may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention
Check with your doctor
Less common
- Confusion, poor memory, or lack of awareness
- fainting
- fast or slow heartbeat
- frequent urination
- increased thirst
- irregular pulse
- stiffness of the arms or legs
- troubled breathing (especially during hard work or exercise)
- unusual tiredness or weakness
- weight gain
- Blue color and pain in the fingers and toes
- coldness of the arms and legs
- dizziness
- eye pain
- headache
- noise in the ears
- vision problems
- Dry, rough skin
- fast, irregular, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse
- hair loss
- hoarseness
- lightheadedness
- mental depression
- sensitivity to cold
- shortness of breath
- swelling of the feet or lower legs
- swelling of the neck
- unusual excitement
Symptoms of overdose
- Blurred vision
- clumsiness or unsteadiness
- convulsions (seizures)
- diarrhea
- drowsiness
- increase in the amount of urine
- lack of coordination
- loss of appetite
- muscle weakness
- nausea or vomiting
- ringing in the ears
- slurred speech
- trembling (severe)
Less common
- Acne or skin rash
- bloated feeling or pressure in the stomach
- muscle twitching (slight)
For Healthcare Professionals
Applies to lithium: compounding powder, oral capsule, oral syrup, oral tablet, oral tablet extended releaseNervous system
The hand tremor associated with lithium therapy is usually a fine rapid intentional tremor. Coarsening of the tremor or occurrence of tremor in a new part of the body may suggest lithium toxicity.A wide variety of other nervous system effects have been reported and include ataxia, dysarthria, hyperreflexia, other movement disorders, EEG changes, blackouts, stupor, coma, central incontinence
One study
Nervous system side effects most commonly have included nervous system effects include tremor, lethargy, lassitude, and muscle weakness. Headache, decreased concentration and confusion also have been reported less frequently. Most of these effects resolve during continuing therapy.
Gastrointestinal side effects including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, abdominal pain, and dry mouth have been reported frequently.Taking lithium with meals or dividing doses may ameliorate some of the gastrointestinal effects of lithium.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
MMWR News Synopsis for August 22, 2013
MMWR News Synopsis for August 22, 2013
In light of high rates of fatal motor vehicle crashes among older workers, employer policies and programs (e.g., flexible scheduling, trip planning, information on the effects of medications on driving, and health screenings) can help older workers drive more safely on the job.
2. Japanese Encephalitis Surveillance and Immunization — Asia and the Western Pacific, 2012
Japanese encephalitis (JE) is an important public health problem, but this serious disease is preventable by vaccination. Safe and effective vaccines are available, and prequalification by the World Health Organization is pending.
3. Polio Field Census Conducted Among Underserved Populations — Nigeria, 2012–2013
Through NSTOP, highly educated and culturally competent Nigerian public health professionals are expanding access to previously unreached settlements, thus improving the polio vaccination coverage in Northern Nigeria and contributing to the end of polio.
4. Investigational Drug for the Treatment of Free-Living Ameba Infections Now Available Directly from CDC
CDC has a potentially life-saving drug available for physicians to use in the treatment of free-living ameba infections. Infections caused by free-living amebae (FLA), which includes the “brain-eating ameba” Naegleria fowleri, are severe and life-threatening and effective treatment is lacking. Miltefosine has shown activity against FLA in the laboratory.
Read More>>
MMWR – Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
MMWR News Synopsis for August, 22, 2013
1. Occupational Highway Transportation Deaths Among Workers Aged ≥55 Years — United States, 2003–2010In light of high rates of fatal motor vehicle crashes among older workers, employer policies and programs (e.g., flexible scheduling, trip planning, information on the effects of medications on driving, and health screenings) can help older workers drive more safely on the job.
2. Japanese Encephalitis Surveillance and Immunization — Asia and the Western Pacific, 2012
Japanese encephalitis (JE) is an important public health problem, but this serious disease is preventable by vaccination. Safe and effective vaccines are available, and prequalification by the World Health Organization is pending.
3. Polio Field Census Conducted Among Underserved Populations — Nigeria, 2012–2013
Through NSTOP, highly educated and culturally competent Nigerian public health professionals are expanding access to previously unreached settlements, thus improving the polio vaccination coverage in Northern Nigeria and contributing to the end of polio.
4. Investigational Drug for the Treatment of Free-Living Ameba Infections Now Available Directly from CDC
CDC has a potentially life-saving drug available for physicians to use in the treatment of free-living ameba infections. Infections caused by free-living amebae (FLA), which includes the “brain-eating ameba” Naegleria fowleri, are severe and life-threatening and effective treatment is lacking. Miltefosine has shown activity against FLA in the laboratory.
5. Notes from the Field
Eye Injuries Sustained at a Foam Party — Collier County, Florida 2012Read More>>
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Florida Airline Fuel Supply Company and Its Owner Indicted for Role in Scheme to Defraud Illinois-Based Ryan International Airlines
Florida Airline Fuel Supply Company and Its Owner Indicted for Role in Scheme to Defraud Illinois-Based Ryan International Airlines
WASHINGTON — A Florida-based airline fuel supply service company and its former owner and operator were indicted yesterday on charges of participating in a scheme to defraud Illinois-based Ryan International Airlines, the Department of Justice announced.
A federal grand jury in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida in West Palm Beach, Fla., returned an indictment against Sean E. Wagner and his company Aviation Fuel International Inc. (AFI), an airline fuel supply company. The indictment alleges that Wagner and AFI participated in a conspiracy to defraud Ryan, a charter airline company based in Rockford, Ill., by making kickback payments to Wayne Kepple, a former vice president of ground operations for Ryan, in exchange for awarding business to AFI. Wagner was arrested on July 19, 2013, in Weston, Fla., on a one-count criminal complaint in connection with these charges.
Ryan provided air passenger and cargo services for corporations, private individuals and the U.S. government – including the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
The indictment alleges, among other things, that from at least as early as December 2005 through at least August 2009, Wagner, AFI and others made kickback payments totaling more than $200,000, in the form of checks, wire transfers, cash and gift cards, to Kepple while working at Ryan.
“The conspirators traded contracts for kickbacks and took affirmative steps to hide their illegal scheme, including wiring payments to personal bank accounts and making secret cash payments,” said Bill Baer, Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division. “The division will continue to aggressively prosecute companies and individuals that seek to defraud the government and U.S. taxpayers by thwarting the competitive process.”
Wagner and AFI are charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and honest services fraud, as well as two counts of wire fraud and two counts of mail fraud. Each count carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 criminal fine for individuals and a $500,000 criminal fine for corporations. The maximum fine may be increased to twice the gain derived from the crime or twice the loss suffered by the victims of the crime, if either amount is greater than the statutory maximum fine.
As a result of this ongoing investigation, four individuals have pleaded guilty to date. Three of the individuals have been ordered to serve sentences ranging from 16 to 24 months in prison and to pay more than $220,000 in restitution. The fourth individual, Kepple, pleaded guilty and is currently awaiting sentencing.
The charges are the result of an investigation being conducted by the Antitrust Division’s National Criminal Enforcement Section and the U.S. Department of Defense’s Office of Inspector General with assistance from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida. Anyone with information concerning anticompetitive conduct in the airline charter services industry is urged to call the Antitrust Division’s National Criminal Enforcement Section at 202-307-6694 or visit
WASHINGTON — A Florida-based airline fuel supply service company and its former owner and operator were indicted yesterday on charges of participating in a scheme to defraud Illinois-based Ryan International Airlines, the Department of Justice announced.
A federal grand jury in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida in West Palm Beach, Fla., returned an indictment against Sean E. Wagner and his company Aviation Fuel International Inc. (AFI), an airline fuel supply company. The indictment alleges that Wagner and AFI participated in a conspiracy to defraud Ryan, a charter airline company based in Rockford, Ill., by making kickback payments to Wayne Kepple, a former vice president of ground operations for Ryan, in exchange for awarding business to AFI. Wagner was arrested on July 19, 2013, in Weston, Fla., on a one-count criminal complaint in connection with these charges.
Ryan provided air passenger and cargo services for corporations, private individuals and the U.S. government – including the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
The indictment alleges, among other things, that from at least as early as December 2005 through at least August 2009, Wagner, AFI and others made kickback payments totaling more than $200,000, in the form of checks, wire transfers, cash and gift cards, to Kepple while working at Ryan.
“The conspirators traded contracts for kickbacks and took affirmative steps to hide their illegal scheme, including wiring payments to personal bank accounts and making secret cash payments,” said Bill Baer, Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division. “The division will continue to aggressively prosecute companies and individuals that seek to defraud the government and U.S. taxpayers by thwarting the competitive process.”
Wagner and AFI are charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and honest services fraud, as well as two counts of wire fraud and two counts of mail fraud. Each count carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 criminal fine for individuals and a $500,000 criminal fine for corporations. The maximum fine may be increased to twice the gain derived from the crime or twice the loss suffered by the victims of the crime, if either amount is greater than the statutory maximum fine.
As a result of this ongoing investigation, four individuals have pleaded guilty to date. Three of the individuals have been ordered to serve sentences ranging from 16 to 24 months in prison and to pay more than $220,000 in restitution. The fourth individual, Kepple, pleaded guilty and is currently awaiting sentencing.
The charges are the result of an investigation being conducted by the Antitrust Division’s National Criminal Enforcement Section and the U.S. Department of Defense’s Office of Inspector General with assistance from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida. Anyone with information concerning anticompetitive conduct in the airline charter services industry is urged to call the Antitrust Division’s National Criminal Enforcement Section at 202-307-6694 or visit
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Warning Letters
Warning Letters from the Federal Drug Administration
Types of Warning Letters on the FDA Website
- General FDA Warning Letters
- Tobacco Retailer Warning Letters21
- Drug Marketing and Advertising Warning Letters22 (and Untitled Letters to Pharmaceutical Companies)
Monday, August 12, 2013
Graying population prompts debate on adequacy of nation's health care labor force
Graying population prompts debate on adequacy of nation's health care labor force
People aged 85 and older make up the fastest-growing age group in the country. Today, there are 3 million men and women in this category; by 2030, there will be more than 8 million.
These demographic changes warn of a coming crisis in the health care labor force: As the population ages, demand for health care services will rise dramatically, but there will be fewer workers aged 16 to 64 to meet that demand."How can we meet the challenges of an aging society? How do we face an aging health care labor force? How can we increase a declining pool of potential health care workers? How will market forces affect the quality and size of the necessary labor pool?" asks Lynn Martin, former secretary of labor and chair of a panel of business executives, policymakers and academics convened by the College of Nursing Nursing Institute at the University of Illinois at Chicago.The panel will meet three times between September and March to launch a national dialogue on the adequacy of the nation's health care labor force in light of the graying population. The panel plans to issue a report by April. The first meeting is Sept. 13 at Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois, 300 E. Randolph St., Chicago.The agenda for the meetings includes demographic trends, the health care needs of the elderly, the adequacy of the education and training of health care professionals and the long-term sustainability of the health care labor force to meet the needs of the elderly."Many policy analysts are talking about getting more nurses into the mix, or more physicians trained as primary care doctors, or more people into the allied health professions," said Mary Jo Snyder, director of the Nursing Institute. "But there has been no interdisciplinary inquiry into the shortages we face in our nation's health care labor force over the long term. The panel has been convened to begin that inquiry.""The issues surrounding the future of the health care labor force require that we move away from thinking about health care labor in terms of nurses or physicians or allied health professionals and that we begin thinking in terms of demographic changes and demands, appropriate levels of care, and appropriate venues for care," said Noreen Sugrue, senior research analyst at the Nursing Institute. "We need to think of health care labor as a team whose components must all be in sync if adequate care is to be delivered."Panel members represent varying viewpoints from academia, the health care industry and the nonprofit sector. In addition to Martin, the members are: Edwin Artzt, chairman emeritus of Proctor and Gamble; Paul Booth, assistant to the president of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees; Richard Corlin, president elect of the American Medical Association; Mary Kathryn James, president of the National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses; Richard Kaplan, professor of law at the University of Illinois; Leslie Margolin, senior vice president for workforce development at Kaiser Permanente; Kweisi Mfume, executive director of the NAACP; Abner Mikva, professor of law at the University of Chicago; Len Nichols, principal research associate at the Urban Institute; Father Michael Place, executive director of the Catholic Health Association; Sara Rix, senior policy advisor at the American Association of Retired Persons; Jim Smith, senior economist at RAND; and Louis Sullivan, president of the Morehouse School of Medicine. Joan Shaver, dean of the UIC College of Nursing, is the convener.Some of the statistics and trends the panel will consider include the following:* Currently, more than 20 percent of people aged 70 and older have unmet health care needs.* In 1998, minorities made up 16 percent of the elderly population. By 2030, they are projected to be 25 percent of the elderly population.* Four percent of persons aged 65 and older live in nursing homes, and the majority of those residents are women. * While life expectancy at age 65 is higher for whites than for African-Americans, at age 85, it is slightly higher for African-Americans than for whites. * The number of white non-Hispanic workers, as a proportion of all workers, is expected to decline from 75 percent (in 1998) to 64 percent in 2025. * By 2025, Hispanics are projected to be 17 percent of the labor force, the second largest group. * If there are not enough health care providers, then family members-historically, women-will fill the gaps. The increased responsibility may mean that these caregivers leave the work force, at a time when the nation will least be able to afford it, or that their productivity in the workplace decreases. * Population estimates suggest that even as the number of elderly is increasing, the nation will experience increased fertility rates, producing more children. Those caught in the middle will be squeezed in terms of finances and other resources while caring for dependents at both ends of the life spectrum."The panel's work on these issues will be the first step in an important public dialogue leading to considered action to ensure that the health care needs of Americans are met in the first half of the 21st century," said Shaver.### Note: Media must register to attend the Sept. 13 opening session (10 - 11 a.m.)The Nursing Institute-at the UIC College of Nursing, one of the top 10 nursing schools in the country-focuses on health care issues, including the labor force, health care delivery, practice and professional development. With 25,000 students, the University of Illinois at Chicago is the largest and most diverse university in the Chicago area and is one of only 88 national Research I universities. Located just west of Chicago's Loop, UIC is a vital part of the educational, technological, and cultural fabric of the entire metropolitan region. It is one of the three main campuses of the University of Illinois, which is internationally renowned for scholarship and innovation. Visit and for more information.
People aged 85 and older make up the fastest-growing age group in the country. Today, there are 3 million men and women in this category; by 2030, there will be more than 8 million.
These demographic changes warn of a coming crisis in the health care labor force: As the population ages, demand for health care services will rise dramatically, but there will be fewer workers aged 16 to 64 to meet that demand."How can we meet the challenges of an aging society? How do we face an aging health care labor force? How can we increase a declining pool of potential health care workers? How will market forces affect the quality and size of the necessary labor pool?" asks Lynn Martin, former secretary of labor and chair of a panel of business executives, policymakers and academics convened by the College of Nursing Nursing Institute at the University of Illinois at Chicago.The panel will meet three times between September and March to launch a national dialogue on the adequacy of the nation's health care labor force in light of the graying population. The panel plans to issue a report by April. The first meeting is Sept. 13 at Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois, 300 E. Randolph St., Chicago.The agenda for the meetings includes demographic trends, the health care needs of the elderly, the adequacy of the education and training of health care professionals and the long-term sustainability of the health care labor force to meet the needs of the elderly."Many policy analysts are talking about getting more nurses into the mix, or more physicians trained as primary care doctors, or more people into the allied health professions," said Mary Jo Snyder, director of the Nursing Institute. "But there has been no interdisciplinary inquiry into the shortages we face in our nation's health care labor force over the long term. The panel has been convened to begin that inquiry.""The issues surrounding the future of the health care labor force require that we move away from thinking about health care labor in terms of nurses or physicians or allied health professionals and that we begin thinking in terms of demographic changes and demands, appropriate levels of care, and appropriate venues for care," said Noreen Sugrue, senior research analyst at the Nursing Institute. "We need to think of health care labor as a team whose components must all be in sync if adequate care is to be delivered."Panel members represent varying viewpoints from academia, the health care industry and the nonprofit sector. In addition to Martin, the members are: Edwin Artzt, chairman emeritus of Proctor and Gamble; Paul Booth, assistant to the president of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees; Richard Corlin, president elect of the American Medical Association; Mary Kathryn James, president of the National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses; Richard Kaplan, professor of law at the University of Illinois; Leslie Margolin, senior vice president for workforce development at Kaiser Permanente; Kweisi Mfume, executive director of the NAACP; Abner Mikva, professor of law at the University of Chicago; Len Nichols, principal research associate at the Urban Institute; Father Michael Place, executive director of the Catholic Health Association; Sara Rix, senior policy advisor at the American Association of Retired Persons; Jim Smith, senior economist at RAND; and Louis Sullivan, president of the Morehouse School of Medicine. Joan Shaver, dean of the UIC College of Nursing, is the convener.Some of the statistics and trends the panel will consider include the following:* Currently, more than 20 percent of people aged 70 and older have unmet health care needs.* In 1998, minorities made up 16 percent of the elderly population. By 2030, they are projected to be 25 percent of the elderly population.* Four percent of persons aged 65 and older live in nursing homes, and the majority of those residents are women. * While life expectancy at age 65 is higher for whites than for African-Americans, at age 85, it is slightly higher for African-Americans than for whites. * The number of white non-Hispanic workers, as a proportion of all workers, is expected to decline from 75 percent (in 1998) to 64 percent in 2025. * By 2025, Hispanics are projected to be 17 percent of the labor force, the second largest group. * If there are not enough health care providers, then family members-historically, women-will fill the gaps. The increased responsibility may mean that these caregivers leave the work force, at a time when the nation will least be able to afford it, or that their productivity in the workplace decreases. * Population estimates suggest that even as the number of elderly is increasing, the nation will experience increased fertility rates, producing more children. Those caught in the middle will be squeezed in terms of finances and other resources while caring for dependents at both ends of the life spectrum."The panel's work on these issues will be the first step in an important public dialogue leading to considered action to ensure that the health care needs of Americans are met in the first half of the 21st century," said Shaver.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Quinn signs law to help DuPage consolidation efforts -
Quinn signs law to help DuPage consolidation efforts -
The work to abolish some of DuPage County's more than 400 taxing bodies now can begin.
Gov. Pat Quinn on Friday signed into law legislation giving DuPage the authority to eliminate as many as 13 local governmental entities, including fire protection, sanitary and mosquito abatement districts.
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video Quinn signs consolidation bil
"I think it's landmark legislation," Quinn said after the signing ceremony at the county administration building in Wheaton. "It's a great model for other counties all across our state. What we want to do now is convince other counties that this is the way to go."
Illinois lawmakers already had created a panel — the Local Government Consolidation Commission — to develop ways to trim the state's huge number of local governments when county board Chairman Dan Cronin pitched the idea of having DuPage become a "test case" for the rest of the state.
Cronin has been championing consolidation as a way to save taxpayer money and improve services since before taking office in January 2011. As board chairman, the former state senator has been trying to develop momentum for eliminating some of the local governmental entities overseen by boards and commissions he appoints.
State law had to be changed because of how difficult it is to eliminate a taxing body, even if it's found to be financially unstable, duplicative or unnecessary. Some entities could be dissolved only with voter approval.
As part of the measure, sponsored by state Sen. Tom Cullerton and state Rep. Deborah Conroy, multiple steps must be followed to eliminate a government entity and transfer its responsibilities elsewhere. There's also a process for voters to save an agency if they protest.
The new law takes effect immediately.
"An overly complicated and unnecessary web of local and county services helps no one," Cullerton, a Villa Park Democrat, said in a statement. "By streamlining government services, we will reduce the cost to taxpayers and improve the quality of those services."
The DuPage taxing bodies eligible for elimination are: Downers Grove Sanitary District, DuPage Airport Authority, DuPage Fair & Exposition Authority, DuPage Housing Authority, Fairview Fire Protection District, Glenbard Fire Protection District, Highland Hills Sanitary District, North Westmont Fire Protection District, Salt Creek Sanitary District, West Chicago Mosquito Abatement District, Wheaton Mosquito Abatement District, Wheaton Sanitary District and Century Hill Street Lighting District.
Cronin said the county board must hold public hearings and demonstrate cost savings and other benefits of consolidation before taking action to eliminate a governmental entity.
"This is giving us the chance to take on some very, very serious responsibilities," Cronin said. "We welcome that, but we also recognize that it's not insignificant. There will be a lot of discussion and opportunity for people to talk about it."
The entities expected to be reviewed first by the county are the Century Hill Street Lighting District, Highland Hills Sanitary District and Fairview Fire Protection District.
While the new law is limited to DuPage, Conroy said she believes it will provide a boost to the state's larger consolidation effort. Illinois has nearly 7,000 units of local government, the most of any state in the nation.
"I think this changed the conversation in Springfield," said Conroy, a Villa Park Democrat. "Prior to this, we haven't been able to pass a bill like this. I think you'll see more of it in the future."
In the meantime, Cronin said, his goal is to show "measurable results" by consolidating one or more of the 13 agencies.
"At the end of the day," he said, "I want to show that it can be done."
The state's Local Government Consolidation Commission was supposed to make its recommendations by the end of last year. On Friday, Quinn extended the deadline for the commission's final report to Sept. 30.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
List of Device Recalls: Tracheostomy Tube Recalled for Mislabeling
List of Device Recalls
FDA posts consumer information about the most serious medical device recalls. These products are on the list because there is a reasonable chance that they could cause serious health problems or death.
Use the yearly lists to find information about Class I medical device recalls and some Class II and III recalls of interest to consumers. The links give details about what to do if you own or use one of these products.
Please note that FDA now lists medical device recall notices by the date that it posts the recall rather than the recall initiation date. You can find the date that a firm initiated a recall in the text of the recall notice.
FDA posts consumer information about the most serious medical device recalls. These products are on the list because there is a reasonable chance that they could cause serious health problems or death.
Use the yearly lists to find information about Class I medical device recalls and some Class II and III recalls of interest to consumers. The links give details about what to do if you own or use one of these products.
Please note that FDA now lists medical device recall notices by the date that it posts the recall rather than the recall initiation date. You can find the date that a firm initiated a recall in the text of the recall notice.
Learn more about medical device recalls here2.
Recent Medical Device Recalls
Listed by date posted on FDA website.Thursday, July 18, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Preparing for Chicago’s potentially dangerous heat wave | WGN-TV
Preparing for Chicago’s potentially dangerous heat wave | WGN-TV
With rising temperatures threatening to bring a potentially dangerous heat wave to Chicagoland over the next few days, it’s now more important than ever to take preventative steps against heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Here are three things you need to know to prepare for Chicago’s warmest week of the summer so far.
1. Tell tale signs of heat stroke
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With rising temperatures threatening to bring a potentially dangerous heat wave to Chicagoland over the next few days, it’s now more important than ever to take preventative steps against heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Here are three things you need to know to prepare for Chicago’s warmest week of the summer so far.
1. Tell tale signs of heat stroke
- Body temperature exceeding 103 degrees
- Red, hot and dry skin
- Headache, dizziness and confusion
- Nausea or signs of excessive sweating
- Call for emergency medical attention since heat strokes progress quickly and can be fatal
- Move the victim to a shaded or cooler area
- Attempt to cool the person down
- Keep hydrated- drink lots of water and beverages with a lot of caffeine or alcohol, because both will dehydrate you.
- Stay indoors as much as possible and limit your outdoor activity during peak sun hours
- Listen to your body – if you feel tired and achy, don’t push through it as it may be a sign of heat exhaustion
Read more:
Friday, July 12, 2013
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Lombard Criminal Blogger
MAY 23
A BURGLARY was reported at the Mediterranean Market, 612 E. Roosevelt Road, after an officer found the front door of the business open at about 11:13 p.m. The officer checked the interior of the building and notified a keyholder.
MAY 24
CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY was reported in the first block of West St. Charles Road after conduit was torn off a building.
A LOMBARD MAN was charged with DUI, no insurance and speeding at Main Street and Hickory at about 5:22 p.m. Patrick Perretti, 63, was charged and released.
A SUSPICIOUS PERSON was reported at about 8 p.m. when a juvenile told police that two male subjects reportedly chased him through an underground parking lot in the 100 block of West St. Charles Road. The two subjects advised that the juvenile was running, but they were not chasing him.
MAY 25
A THEFT was reported at TGI Fridays, 601 E. Butterfield Road, after an employee advised that a male subject did not have money to pay his bill. When a second employee confronted the subject, he fled the restaurant.
A LOMBARD BUSINESS received a liquor law violation after an officer observed several subjects drinking after hours at about 2:55 a.m. An employee advised that they were all employees. The officer advised the employee of Overtime Bar, 801 E. Roosevelt Road, that they were still in violation.
CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY was reported at the former Kmart, 345 W. Roosevelt Road, after an officer observed graffiti on the rear of the building.
THEFT OF A FRONT LICENSE PLATE was reported in the 300 block of West Maple.
CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY was reported at 2700 S. Highland after a sign in front of a building was spray-painted.
A THEFT was reported at 203 Yorktown after more than $50 in cash and two gift cards were taken from a purse.
A SUSPICIOUS PERSON was reported at about 11:03 p.m. when a complainant advised of a female subject who was screaming in the park at Maple and Ahrens. The juvenile was advised that the park was closed and to leave the area.
MAY 26
A HINSDALE MAN was charged with DUI at Roosevelt and I-355 at about 1:48 a.m. Conor Weldon, 25, was charged and released.
A BURGLARY was reported in the 500 block of West North Avenue after residents returned home to find a living room window had been forced open and the screen had been cut. Police reports show that an undetermined amount of cash and jewelry were taken in the burglary.
A BUSINESS received a liquor law violation at about 5:11 p.m. after an officer observed a subject with alcohol on the train platform. The subject advised he reportedly obtained the liquor from Punky’s Pub, 16 S. Park. An employee advised he thought the subject had left to smoke and was unaware he left the property with the alcohol.
SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES were reported at Heritage Cadillac, 303 W. Roosevelt Road, after an officer observed the front gate of the business open and a vehicle in the lot with an open trunk at about 8:24 p.m. The officer closed the gate and the trunk.
MAY 27
THEFT OF A RELIGIOUS STATUE was reported in the 200 block of West Ethel. The statue was taken from the yard of a residence.
A SUSPICIOUS PERSON was reported at the Shell gas station, 1005 E. Roosevelt Road, at about 2:44 p.m. after a complainant advised a male subject with a juvenile who was asking for money and food. The subject was advised to leave the area and he complied.
CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY was reported in the 1300 block of South Finley Road after the front passenger window on a vehicle was shattered.
MAY 28
FORGERY was reported by a complainant who advised a subject allegedly forged her name on a mortgage application and the application reportedly was fraudulently notarized.
A THEFT was reported in the 2200 block of Fountain Square after cash was taken from a wallet.
MAY 29
SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES were reported at the 7-Eleven, 1 W. St. Charles Road, shortly before 3 a.m. after an employee advised that two male subjects were repeatedly coming in and out of the business. The subjects were gone prior to the officers’ arrival.
CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY was reported in the 2800 block of South Highland after an officer observed graffiti on the north and west walls of a building.
SUSPICIOUS PERSONS were reported at Lilacia Park after an employee advised that three subjects were sleeping in the park at about 8:10 a.m. The subjects advised that PADS was full the night before. They were directed to leave the area.
THEFT OF A CONCRETE GOOSE was reported in the 400 block of South Brewster. The goose was taken from the front of a residence.
CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY was reported in the 300 block of North Charlotte after a stone bench was moved to the street and broken in half.
A SUSPICIOUS PERSON was reported at about 6:49 p.m. in the 100 block of North Charlotte, where a male subject reportedly placed a backpack in some bushes and walked away. A witness approached the subject and questioned him about the backpack.
A LOMBARD TEEN was charged with disorderly conduct after she allegedly yelled obscenities at two subjects in the 1000 block of East Maple at about 7:45 p.m. Samantha Gozdal, 18, was charged and released.
LOMBARD K-9 OFFICER GREG SOHR AND K-9 CHICO assisted Villa Park police with a vehicle search at North and Westmore at about 9:47 p.m. Police reports show that a handgun, cash, cannabis and drug paraphernalia were recovered from the vehicle.
MAY 30
A CITIZEN ASSIST was provided after a complainant told police that a subject was in her backyard shining a blue light at about 3:50 a.m. The area was checked with negative results.
A CICERO MAN was charged with DUI at about 4:28 a.m. Chester Hiller, 39, was charged and released.
A BURGLARY was reported at the Mediterranean Market, 612 E. Roosevelt Road, after an officer found the front door of the business open at about 11:13 p.m. The officer checked the interior of the building and notified a keyholder.
MAY 24
CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY was reported in the first block of West St. Charles Road after conduit was torn off a building.
A LOMBARD MAN was charged with DUI, no insurance and speeding at Main Street and Hickory at about 5:22 p.m. Patrick Perretti, 63, was charged and released.
A SUSPICIOUS PERSON was reported at about 8 p.m. when a juvenile told police that two male subjects reportedly chased him through an underground parking lot in the 100 block of West St. Charles Road. The two subjects advised that the juvenile was running, but they were not chasing him.
MAY 25
A THEFT was reported at TGI Fridays, 601 E. Butterfield Road, after an employee advised that a male subject did not have money to pay his bill. When a second employee confronted the subject, he fled the restaurant.
A LOMBARD BUSINESS received a liquor law violation after an officer observed several subjects drinking after hours at about 2:55 a.m. An employee advised that they were all employees. The officer advised the employee of Overtime Bar, 801 E. Roosevelt Road, that they were still in violation.
CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY was reported at the former Kmart, 345 W. Roosevelt Road, after an officer observed graffiti on the rear of the building.
THEFT OF A FRONT LICENSE PLATE was reported in the 300 block of West Maple.
CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY was reported at 2700 S. Highland after a sign in front of a building was spray-painted.
A THEFT was reported at 203 Yorktown after more than $50 in cash and two gift cards were taken from a purse.
A SUSPICIOUS PERSON was reported at about 11:03 p.m. when a complainant advised of a female subject who was screaming in the park at Maple and Ahrens. The juvenile was advised that the park was closed and to leave the area.
MAY 26
A HINSDALE MAN was charged with DUI at Roosevelt and I-355 at about 1:48 a.m. Conor Weldon, 25, was charged and released.
A BURGLARY was reported in the 500 block of West North Avenue after residents returned home to find a living room window had been forced open and the screen had been cut. Police reports show that an undetermined amount of cash and jewelry were taken in the burglary.
A BUSINESS received a liquor law violation at about 5:11 p.m. after an officer observed a subject with alcohol on the train platform. The subject advised he reportedly obtained the liquor from Punky’s Pub, 16 S. Park. An employee advised he thought the subject had left to smoke and was unaware he left the property with the alcohol.
SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES were reported at Heritage Cadillac, 303 W. Roosevelt Road, after an officer observed the front gate of the business open and a vehicle in the lot with an open trunk at about 8:24 p.m. The officer closed the gate and the trunk.
MAY 27
THEFT OF A RELIGIOUS STATUE was reported in the 200 block of West Ethel. The statue was taken from the yard of a residence.
A SUSPICIOUS PERSON was reported at the Shell gas station, 1005 E. Roosevelt Road, at about 2:44 p.m. after a complainant advised a male subject with a juvenile who was asking for money and food. The subject was advised to leave the area and he complied.
CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY was reported in the 1300 block of South Finley Road after the front passenger window on a vehicle was shattered.
MAY 28
FORGERY was reported by a complainant who advised a subject allegedly forged her name on a mortgage application and the application reportedly was fraudulently notarized.
A THEFT was reported in the 2200 block of Fountain Square after cash was taken from a wallet.
MAY 29
SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES were reported at the 7-Eleven, 1 W. St. Charles Road, shortly before 3 a.m. after an employee advised that two male subjects were repeatedly coming in and out of the business. The subjects were gone prior to the officers’ arrival.
CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY was reported in the 2800 block of South Highland after an officer observed graffiti on the north and west walls of a building.
SUSPICIOUS PERSONS were reported at Lilacia Park after an employee advised that three subjects were sleeping in the park at about 8:10 a.m. The subjects advised that PADS was full the night before. They were directed to leave the area.
THEFT OF A CONCRETE GOOSE was reported in the 400 block of South Brewster. The goose was taken from the front of a residence.
CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY was reported in the 300 block of North Charlotte after a stone bench was moved to the street and broken in half.
A SUSPICIOUS PERSON was reported at about 6:49 p.m. in the 100 block of North Charlotte, where a male subject reportedly placed a backpack in some bushes and walked away. A witness approached the subject and questioned him about the backpack.
A LOMBARD TEEN was charged with disorderly conduct after she allegedly yelled obscenities at two subjects in the 1000 block of East Maple at about 7:45 p.m. Samantha Gozdal, 18, was charged and released.
LOMBARD K-9 OFFICER GREG SOHR AND K-9 CHICO assisted Villa Park police with a vehicle search at North and Westmore at about 9:47 p.m. Police reports show that a handgun, cash, cannabis and drug paraphernalia were recovered from the vehicle.
MAY 30
A CITIZEN ASSIST was provided after a complainant told police that a subject was in her backyard shining a blue light at about 3:50 a.m. The area was checked with negative results.
A CICERO MAN was charged with DUI at about 4:28 a.m. Chester Hiller, 39, was charged and released.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Motor Vehicles Purchased by Gardenia Hung in Illinois USA
During the mid-1980's Nathan S. Wittler and I purchased a brand new NISSAN 200SX Turbo Sports Car for travel around Illinois, cross-country, the East Coast, New England, the Midwest, and surrounding states in the USA. In addition to buying the first car.
Afterwards, there was another car purchase for a trade-in Capri 2-Door Convertible which used a Clutch and was a challenge to drive up the ramps to the expressways.
The Capri was traded-in for a GEO Tracker SUV 2-Door Sport Vehicle.
Later I found a motorcycle scooter, a Yamaha Zuma 125 CC purchased at Champion Cycle Center Inc. from Julio Aquino, Salesperson and Larry Wolfe Manager. When the Yamaha Zuma began to stall during May 2003, I returned it for a new 1993 Derbi Boulevard 150 CC which was damaged by the mechanic Jon Jon who worked for Jose River the Service Manager at Champion Cycle Center, Inc. The 1993 Derbi Boulevard 150 CC was damaged at Champion Cycle Center, Inc. during the course of service maintenance under Derby Warranty after I completed the full cash payment of the motorcycle sold by Julio Aquino, Salesman at 3625 North Western Avenue, Chicago Illinois 60618 USA.

Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
DuPage County Suburban Poverty Surpasses City's Poor -
suburban poverty surpasses city's poor -
Once considered the definition of the middle-class American dream, the suburbs are now home to a larger, faster-growing poor population than urban areas, according to a new analysis.
During the 2000s, the number of poor living in U.S. suburbs grew by 64 percent — more than twice the 29 percent growth rate in cities.
Overall, 16.4 million poor people consider suburbia home, compared with 13.4 million in big cities and 7.3 million in rural areas, researchers for the Brookings Institution said in a book published Monday.
The shifting poverty demographic can be seen in Chicago's suburbs, where the number of poor increased by 99 percent in the last decade — from 363,966 to 724,233, said Elizabeth Kneebone, co-author of "Confronting Suburban Poverty in America."
That was a greater increase than recorded in the New York City or Los Angeles regions, according to the book.
The authors and local advocates contend that the new reality will require fresh approaches to policies and practices to avoid a grim future.
"Clearly, the landscape of poverty in America has changed," Kneebone said. "It can't just be about shifting resources from one place to another. We have to think about how to work more effectively across city and suburban lines."
Kneebone and co-author Alan Berube define poor as a family of four living on $22,314 or less. Their book listed several factors driving the nationwide shift.
Among them are the presence of more jobs in the suburbs, especially lower-paying ones. In turn, job losses triggered by the recession in construction, manufacturing and retail industries hit hardest in suburban areas.
An increase in affordable housing in the suburbs throughout the 2000s also had an impact, the book said.
By the end of 2010, roughly half of residents using housing vouchers lived in suburbs. At the same time, three-quarters of foreclosures occurred in suburbia, the authors said.
The number of foreclosed homes puts pressure on the community because it is not uncommon for structures to fall into disrepair as they sit empty for several years, said Kevin Welsh, fire chief and building department director for south suburban Glenwood.
"I've seen good residents lose their property for no other reason than the fact that they fell on hard times because their jobs were eliminated or cut back," Welsh said. "They took care of their homes, kept them nice, but all of a sudden they were unable to pay the bills."
The book's authors said suburban communities around the U.S. have been caught off guard by the poverty and that both public and private agencies have struggled to meet the need.
They commended the way 19 municipalities in Chicago's south suburbs — including Blue Island, Harvey, Calumet Heights and South Holland — banded together to apply for joint federal support.
The group, part of the South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association, uses those resources on broader economic development priorities.
"There are promising models that are emerging on how to use limited resources," Kneebone said.
At the Chicago-based Heartland Alliance, research associate Jennifer Clary said her organization has tracked the shift locally since 1980 with similar findings.
"It's really clear that lower incomes that combined with the rising cost of pretty much everything in life are really crushing people in the suburbs," Clary said.
Kim Perez, executive director for the People's Resource Center, which offers a food bank and other services for the poor in Wheaton and Westmont, said she hopes the book will shed light on an increase she and volunteers have noticed.
"The new reality is that it's not an 'us' and 'them' situation anymore," Perez said. "It's a community situation, and it's got to be this kind of really collaborative, universal effort to make a difference."
Once considered the definition of the middle-class American dream, the suburbs are now home to a larger, faster-growing poor population than urban areas, according to a new analysis.
During the 2000s, the number of poor living in U.S. suburbs grew by 64 percent — more than twice the 29 percent growth rate in cities.
Overall, 16.4 million poor people consider suburbia home, compared with 13.4 million in big cities and 7.3 million in rural areas, researchers for the Brookings Institution said in a book published Monday.
The shifting poverty demographic can be seen in Chicago's suburbs, where the number of poor increased by 99 percent in the last decade — from 363,966 to 724,233, said Elizabeth Kneebone, co-author of "Confronting Suburban Poverty in America."
That was a greater increase than recorded in the New York City or Los Angeles regions, according to the book.
The authors and local advocates contend that the new reality will require fresh approaches to policies and practices to avoid a grim future.
"Clearly, the landscape of poverty in America has changed," Kneebone said. "It can't just be about shifting resources from one place to another. We have to think about how to work more effectively across city and suburban lines."
Kneebone and co-author Alan Berube define poor as a family of four living on $22,314 or less. Their book listed several factors driving the nationwide shift.
Among them are the presence of more jobs in the suburbs, especially lower-paying ones. In turn, job losses triggered by the recession in construction, manufacturing and retail industries hit hardest in suburban areas.
An increase in affordable housing in the suburbs throughout the 2000s also had an impact, the book said.
By the end of 2010, roughly half of residents using housing vouchers lived in suburbs. At the same time, three-quarters of foreclosures occurred in suburbia, the authors said.
The number of foreclosed homes puts pressure on the community because it is not uncommon for structures to fall into disrepair as they sit empty for several years, said Kevin Welsh, fire chief and building department director for south suburban Glenwood.
"I've seen good residents lose their property for no other reason than the fact that they fell on hard times because their jobs were eliminated or cut back," Welsh said. "They took care of their homes, kept them nice, but all of a sudden they were unable to pay the bills."
The book's authors said suburban communities around the U.S. have been caught off guard by the poverty and that both public and private agencies have struggled to meet the need.
They commended the way 19 municipalities in Chicago's south suburbs — including Blue Island, Harvey, Calumet Heights and South Holland — banded together to apply for joint federal support.
The group, part of the South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association, uses those resources on broader economic development priorities.
"There are promising models that are emerging on how to use limited resources," Kneebone said.
At the Chicago-based Heartland Alliance, research associate Jennifer Clary said her organization has tracked the shift locally since 1980 with similar findings.
"It's really clear that lower incomes that combined with the rising cost of pretty much everything in life are really crushing people in the suburbs," Clary said.
Kim Perez, executive director for the People's Resource Center, which offers a food bank and other services for the poor in Wheaton and Westmont, said she hopes the book will shed light on an increase she and volunteers have noticed.
"The new reality is that it's not an 'us' and 'them' situation anymore," Perez said. "It's a community situation, and it's got to be this kind of really collaborative, universal effort to make a difference."
Thursday, May 16, 2013
METRA Union Pacific Delays Due To Computer System Failure For The Switches Controlling Traffic Flow

Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Angel of Death, part one - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Angel of Death, part one - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Angel of Death, part one
April 28, 2013 4:00 PM
Nearly all of the hospitals ex-nurse Charles Cullen worked at were suspicious of the serial killer. So why did his career last 16 years? Steve Kroft reports.
Angel of Death: Killer nurse stopped, but not soon enough
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Lombard, IL - Official Site
Lombard, IL - Official Site
Village of Lombard residents continue to clean up after experiencing flooding and high water damage due to storms yesterday.
Village of Lombard Cleans Up After Devastating Flooding
Village of Lombard residents continue to clean up after experiencing flooding and high water damage due to storms yesterday.
Rainfall over the last 24 hours totaled six inches for the Lombard community. Forecasters predict no significant rain over the weekend, which will provide the time necessary for high water to recede. DuPage County’s Stormwater Management Division is operating all of its flood control facilities. DuPage County reports that the East Branch of the DuPage River and Salt Creek, both of which receive Lombard waters and influence the storm sewers with backwater, have passed their peak flood stage and are receding. The high water elevation in these watercourses is slow to drop and the Village will continue to work at the maximum capability to drain into them.
The Village’s storm sewerage and pumps have been fully operational throughout the storm and are continuing to move water at their capacity. There is some localized roadway flooding that should be avoided. DuPage County emergency information, including road closures, can be found at In accordance with Village Board policy, the Village does not pump private properties.
Dumpsters for residents to discard flood damaged items have been placed for use until Monday, April 29. The dumpsters are at the following locations:
• Greenfield (south side of Terrace View Pond)
• Washington Boulevard and Park Road (behind the cemetery)
• 18th Street and Stewart Avenue
• Edgewood Avenue (west of Vista Pond)
• South Broadway and Lewis Avenue
• The cul-de-sac on Grace Street that is south of Wilson (Southland Park)
• Washington Boulevard and Kelly Court
Bulk items can be collected curbside on the regular collection day with one red refuse sticker attached per storm-damaged item. Red refuse stickers are available at the Village Hall at no cost through April 29. The Village Hall is open on Mondays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Tuesdays through Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Hazardous materials must not be placed in these dumpsters. Electrical items should be recycled. The York Township Highway Department has an electronic recycling drop-off location at 19W475 Roosevelt Road, Lombard and is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Although disaster assistance has not yet been made available from the State of
Illinois or the Federal Government, it is advised to take photos and keep records of losses in the event that such assistance, whether grants or low-interest loans, should become available. Information will be made available at that time.
Customers experiencing power outages need to contact ComEd directly by calling 1-800-Edison1. To report flooding concerns, residents can call the Village at (630) 620-5700. Emergency calls of a life threatening nature should always phone 9-1-1.
Regular storm updates will be provided at the Village’s website,
The Village’s storm sewerage and pumps have been fully operational throughout the storm and are continuing to move water at their capacity. There is some localized roadway flooding that should be avoided. DuPage County emergency information, including road closures, can be found at In accordance with Village Board policy, the Village does not pump private properties.
Dumpsters for residents to discard flood damaged items have been placed for use until Monday, April 29. The dumpsters are at the following locations:
• Greenfield (south side of Terrace View Pond)
• Washington Boulevard and Park Road (behind the cemetery)
• 18th Street and Stewart Avenue
• Edgewood Avenue (west of Vista Pond)
• South Broadway and Lewis Avenue
• The cul-de-sac on Grace Street that is south of Wilson (Southland Park)
• Washington Boulevard and Kelly Court
Bulk items can be collected curbside on the regular collection day with one red refuse sticker attached per storm-damaged item. Red refuse stickers are available at the Village Hall at no cost through April 29. The Village Hall is open on Mondays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Tuesdays through Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Hazardous materials must not be placed in these dumpsters. Electrical items should be recycled. The York Township Highway Department has an electronic recycling drop-off location at 19W475 Roosevelt Road, Lombard and is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Although disaster assistance has not yet been made available from the State of
Illinois or the Federal Government, it is advised to take photos and keep records of losses in the event that such assistance, whether grants or low-interest loans, should become available. Information will be made available at that time.
Customers experiencing power outages need to contact ComEd directly by calling 1-800-Edison1. To report flooding concerns, residents can call the Village at (630) 620-5700. Emergency calls of a life threatening nature should always phone 9-1-1.
Regular storm updates will be provided at the Village’s website,
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Friday, April 12, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
EHS Spotlight: West Nile, Food Cooling, Wastewater Mgmt., eCards
EHS Spotlight: West Nile, Food Cooling, Wastewater Mgmt., eCards
Monitoring and Controlling West Nile Virus: Are Your Prevention Practices in Place? – Guest columnist Roger Nasci describes the 2012 WNV outbreaks in the United States and highlights community-based, integrated mosquito management programs as the best WNV prevention tool available. This article is published in the April 2013 issue of the Journal of Environmental Health.
Monitoring and Controlling West Nile Virus: Are Your Prevention Practices in Place? – Guest columnist Roger Nasci describes the 2012 WNV outbreaks in the United States and highlights community-based, integrated mosquito management programs as the best WNV prevention tool available. This article is published in the April 2013 issue of the Journal of Environmental Health.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Friday, March 1, 2013
What is Sequestration? -
What is Sequestration? -
A procedure of fiscal policy adopted by Congress as a part of the Fiscal Cliff that deals with the federal budget deficit. It forces automatic cutbacks in spending on government programs such as defense and education, then uses that money to reduce the deficit. In 2013, sequestration will automatically cut about $55 billion in defense spending and about $55 billion in non-defense spending and over the following 10 years, will cut a total of about $1.2 trillion.
The word first appeared in the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Deficit Reduction Act of 1985, which enacted similar spending cuts if the deficit grew past a set level.
The word first appeared in the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Deficit Reduction Act of 1985, which enacted similar spending cuts if the deficit grew past a set level.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts > King Arthur Flour Voluntarily Recalls Flour
Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts > King Arthur Flour Voluntarily Recalls Flour
February 22, 2013 - Norwich, Vt. – King Arthur Flour has initiated a voluntary recall of a limited number of its bags of flour due to the possible presence of small (7-9 mm) blue polyurethane balls that are used in the sifting process. The balls have a smooth surface and no sharp edges and are made from food grade material. Because of their bright blue color and size (about half the diameter of a dime), they are easily seen in the flour.
February 22, 2013 - Norwich, Vt. – King Arthur Flour has initiated a voluntary recall of a limited number of its bags of flour due to the possible presence of small (7-9 mm) blue polyurethane balls that are used in the sifting process. The balls have a smooth surface and no sharp edges and are made from food grade material. Because of their bright blue color and size (about half the diameter of a dime), they are easily seen in the flour.
Only 5-lb. bags of King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour and King Arthur Unbleached Bread Flour that have a Best Used By Date and Lot Codes noted below are affected. This information is printed on the side of the bag beneath the nutrition panel. If the Best Used By Date and Lot Code number are printed on the TOP of the bag, then the product is NOT affected.
The following two (2) King Arthur Flour products are included in the voluntary recall:
King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour, 5-lb. bag, UPC 0-71012-01050-9 With the combination of both the Best Used By Date plus Lot Code beneath nutrition facts panel
Best Used | By Lot Code |
12/26/2013 | L12A26B |
12/26/2013 | L12A26C |
12/27/2013 | L12A27A |
01/18/2014 | A13A18A |
01/18/2014 | A13A18B |
01/21/2014 | A13A21A |
01/22/2014 | A13A22B |
01/30/2014 | A13A30A |
01/31/2014 | A13A31A |
King Arthur Unbleached Bread Flour, 5-lb. bag, UPC 0-71012-04105-3 With the combination of both the Best Used By Date plus Lot Code beneath nutrition facts panel
Best Used | By Lot Code |
12/26/2013 | L12A26A |
12/26/2013 | L12A26B |
01/03/2014 | A13A03A |
01/03/2014 | A13A03B |
01/16/2014 | A13A16B |
01/17/2014 | A13A17A |
01/23/2014 | A13A23A |
01/28/2014 | A13A28A |
01/31/2014 | A13A31A |
No other lot codes of this product or any other King Arthur Flour products are affected in any way. There have been no reports of injury, ingestion or presence of any of these balls from our customers to date. This voluntary recall is based on the possibility that a ball could be found.
Any products with a combination of the Best Used By and Lot Code noted above may be returned to the store for a full refund.
For more information call the King Arthur Flour Consumer Hotline at 866.797.9178, open Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST. For convenience, a Lot Code check form and copy of this press release is available at
King Arthur Flour CEO Steve Voigt assures customers that this is an isolated occurrence. "King Arthur Flour is adamant about quality and safety. A very limited number of our flour bags are affected by this incident; but we wanted to be sure our customers are aware of the recall, and know how to check their flour to see if it's involved."
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
Monday, February 11, 2013
Friday, February 8, 2013
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Friday, January 11, 2013
New Challenges. New Solutions. 2013 National Crime Victims' Rights Week: April 21-27th
In the year 2013, the National Crime Victims' Rights Week takes place from Sunday, April 21st through Saturday, April 27th, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crimes in order to inspire our communities to observe the Victims of Crimes Act of 1984 (VOCA).
The Victims of Crime Act of 1984 (VOCA) was an attempt by the federal government to help the victims of criminal actions through means other than punishment of the criminal. It created a federal victims-compensation account funded by fines assessed in federal criminal convictions, and it established provisions to assist state programs that compensated the victims of crimes. The compensation system is still in existence, having distributed over $1 billion in funds since it began.
The statute, codified at 42 U.S.C.A. § 10601, was a direct result of a task force set up by the Justice Department under the auspices of President Ronald Reagan called the President's Task Force on Victims of Crime, the report issued by the task force in 1982 was harshly critical of existing victims-compensation programs. "In many states, program availability is not advertised for fear of depleting available resources or overtaxing a numerically inadequate staff. Victim claims might have to wait months until sufficient fines have been collected or until a new fiscal year begins and the budgetary fund is replenished," according to the report.
VOCA established the Crime Victim's Fund, which is supported by all fines that are collected from persons who have been convicted of offenses against the United States, except for fines that are collected through certain environmental statues and other fines that are specifically designated for certain accounts, such as the Postal Service Fund. The fund also includes special assessments collected for various federal crimes under 18 USC § 3613, the proceeds of forfeited appearance bonds, bail bonds, and collateral collected, any money ordered to be paid into the fund under section 3671(c)(2) of Title 18; and any gifts, bequests, or donations to the fund from private entities or individuals.
The first $10 million from the fund, plus an added amount depending on how much has been deposited in the fund for that fiscal year, goes to child-abuse prevention and treatment programs. After that, such sums as may be necessary are made available for the U.S. Attorneys' Offices and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to improve services for the benefit of crime victims in the federal criminal justice system, and for a Victim Notification System.
The Office for Victims of Crimes has chosen this year's theme to be: "New Challenges. New Solutions." The mission of the OVC's strategic initiative is called Vision 21: Transforming Victims Services in the 21st century for the new millennium.
According to Joye E. Frost, the Acting Director for the Office for Victims of Crimes, "in spite of all our progress, victims' rights laws in all 50 states, the Victims of Crime Act of 1984, the Violence Against Women Act of 1994, and the more than 10,000 victim service agencies throughout the United States of America--there are still enduring and emerging challenges for victims of crimes in America."
About 50 percent of violent crimes are not reported, and only a fraction of victims receive the help they need. There are still ongoing investigations to know and find out more about these victimss, how to help them in the best way, and how the victims' services can be targeted to reach every victim. While adapting to funding cuts, globalization, changing demographics, new types of violent crimes, and the changes (both good and bad) brought by technology. These 21st century new challenges call for bold, new solutions.
The promise and commitment of our Vision 21, will pave the way to the ongoing work with victims during the 2013 National Crime Victims' Rights Week, in order to transform victims' services in the 21st century--Office for Victims of Crime, Joye E. Frost, Acting Director
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
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