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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Consumer Service Fraud Practice for Billing in Lombard

     The Village of Lombard Water Service Department managed by Sharon Meyers has a water bill for $118.00US which was being used by Keith Steiskal at the Building Permits Departments to deny a building permit purchase requested by the Zees Group Disaster Restoration Services, in care of Mr. Zee Kawa, contractor, .  Even when there was No Water, No Sewage, and No Water Service since 2004, 2005, when the Lombard plumbing pipes burst under ungauged and excessive water pressure released by the Village of Lombard Public Works, there was No Water or Sewage Service at 502 S. Westmore Avenue —the Village of Lombard had already installed new PSI valves to monitor water pressure for Lombard water mains which overflow to cause plumbing failure, water flooding and damages,
     The Village of Lombard adds surcharges, overcharges, and triple the water service charges and sewage utilities billing for resident homeowners in DuPage County, Illinois, USA.  Lombard even overbills resident homeowners for water utility services as part of the consumer service fraud practice at the Village of Lombard Town Hall in DuPage County, Illinois USA.  Waterbill padding for surcharges, overbilling, and surplus service charges are a common business deceptive practice used by the Village of Lombard to collect additional funding from resident homeowners in DuPage County, Illinois USA.  A Lombard water bill can duplicate or triplicate consumer usage per household based on surcharges and overbilling service charges attached for deceptive business practices in the Town Hall, subject to consumer service fraud,, in DuPage County, Illinois USA.

City to Begin Replacing Water Meters - Government - Wheaton, IL Patch

City to Begin Replacing Water Meters - Government - Wheaton, IL Patch

The City’s Water Division soon will be replacing the majority of the 16,500 water meters within the City as part of its multi-year Water Meter Replacement Program.

The current water meters have been in service for 10-15 years and have reached the end of their useful lives. As water meters age, they often lose accuracy, resulting in incorrect billing and non-revenue water loss. The new meters, which have an expected 20-year battery life, will ensure accurate readings and billing.

The new water meters will operate the same as the old meters. All water meters in Wheaton currently have a wireless device that transmits the meter readings on a licensed radio frequency over a short distance to a handheld or mobile device. Readings are only transmitted once a month when a Water Division meter reader drives by each location to wirelessly collect data from each meter. This technology has improved the efficiency of the meter reading program.

This program is expected to take approximately 5 years to complete. When your water meter is set to be replaced, you will receive a letter from the City requesting a meter replacement appointment.

During this appointment, a Water Division customer service representative will visit your home to replace the water meter, free of charge. Each appointment takes about 30 minutes to complete, during which the water will be shut off for about 15 minutes.
Appointments may be scheduled between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.